Dr. Kris Rucinski
Online Classes
Dr. Kris Rucinski has partnered with Synthase to offer an engaging way to learn valuable music skills to support and supplement your instrumental or vocal lessons. Students from across the country will come together in small online classes to learn theory, composition, musicianship, and music technology over the course of thirteen weeks in the spring of 2023. All are taught by passionate educators with advanced degrees from the world’s top music programs.
All classes are available to students aged 13 and up.
AP Music Theory Group Tutoring
This class serves students preparing to take the AP Theory exam through their home institution. Students will identify their strengths and weaknesses, and reinforce skills through practice and activities. Topics covered include scales, chords, modes, harmony, voice leading, and form. Requirements: computer, webcam + microphone, speakers or headphones, MIDI keyboard, textbook: Barron’s AP Music Theory.
All group classes meet twelve times for 55 minutes each.
February 6: Last Day to Register
February 13: Classes Begin
March 27-31: Spring Break (no classes)
May 12: Last Day of Classes
All classes are billed through Dr. Rucinski.
AP Music Theory Group Tutoring: $303
Bring in your theory homework or a piece you’re working on and meet with the expert educators at Synthase. All students and families are welcome at weekly office hours. Contact Dr. Rucinski for schedule and access details.
Join us on Zoom to learn more about the classes and meet the educators! Register at the links below.
December 18, 2022 at 1-2:30pm Pacific
To enroll in classes, please contact your Dr. Rucinski at ksrucin@gmail.com. Be sure to let him know which section you’d like to register for.